Interested in learning about networks?
General Resources
Network Science Notes by Phil Chodrow and Heather Zinn Brooks
Networks Class Website at Cambridge University
Textbook: Networks by Mark Newman
Short Book: Dynamical Systems on Networks: A Tutorial by James Gleeson and Mason Porter
Survey Paper: Multilayer networks by M. Kivelä, A. Arenas, M. Barthelemy, J.P. Gleeson, Y. Moreno, and M.A. Porter
Survey Paper: What Are Higher-Order Networks? by Christian Bick, Elizabeth Gross, Heather A. Harrington, and Michael T. Schaub
Opinion Dynamics:
Survey paper: From classical to modern opinion dynamics by Hossein Noorazar, Kevin R. Vixie, Arghavan Talebanpour, and Yunfeng Hu
Survey paper: Bounded confidence opinion dynamics: A survey by Carmela Bernardo, Claudio Altafini, Anton Proskurnikov, and Francesco Vasca
Compartmental Models: An introduction to compartmental modeling for the budding infectious disease modeler by Julie C. Blackwood and Lauren M. Childs
Election Forecasting: Forecasting Elections Using Compartmental Models of Infection by Alexandria Volkening, Daniel F. Linder, Mason A. Porter, and Grzegorz A. Rempala
Data-Driven Modeling: A primer on data-driven modeling by Alexandria Volkening
Modeling Social Systems: A tutorial on networks in social systems: A mathematical modeling perspective by Heather Zinn Brooks
Note: this is a very incomplete list! If you have a resource you think should be listed here let me know!